James West Davidson and Mark Hamilton Lytle After the Fact the Art of Historical Detection

Afterward the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection sixth edition. James West Davidson and Marker Hamilton Lytle. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. ISBN: 9780073385489

Those familiar with Davidson and Lytle'southward long-time archetype, Afterward the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection, will find that the latest, 2010 edition has meaning improvements and new, user-friendly features that make an upgrade worthwhile.  In addition to adding new chapters and revising, streamlining, or deleting previous chapters, the authors take created an interactive  website  with  a multifariousness of supplementary  materials.  The Primary Source Investigator (previously offered on CD-Rom) has been redesigned and is now available online along with new documents, images, and the Research and Writing Center. The new Research and Writing Center offers tools designed to help students  larn the skills needed  to produce well-written and well-researched papers.  Retired chapters from previous editions are also bachelor on the  website.

The new edition of After the Fact is an first-class resources for history teachers and can be modified to work with high school, all levels of higher students, and graduate students.  The authors abet an apprentice-style approach to learning history and, just as an artisan may teach his apprentice which tools are the best for the detail job at manus, they expose readers to different methods that historians can utilize in the detective work of "doing history."  Considering each affiliate is a unique case study, the methodology and level of difficulty is varied and therefore can be suited to fit various students' ability levels.  For example, the chapter on using photographs as historical resource shows students that even the uncomplicated act of choosing what to point the photographic camera's lens at is, in fact, an example of the selection of testify, equally are the decisions made regarding what to bring into focus and what to allow to fade into the periphery or omit from the frame altogether.  Before the advent of Photoshop it was said that a picture never lied, but anyone looking at my own childhood photo albums would see children who are never dingy, and class-conscious parents often posing in front of a then- aspirational   model of auto.  While such photographs were definitely not outright lies (some of Ceremonious War photographer Matthew Brady'southward "staging" work is discussed in the book), a determination was definitely fabricated every bit to what image or bear witness to present.  This simple way of educational activity students to view photographs as an example of the selection of show is juxtaposed by other chapters that challenge the graduate student with learning to apply various model theories when answering historical questions.

The 2010 edition of After the Fact includes a new component, "Past and Present," that is placed at the end of select chapters.  This apprentice-way feature shows students how to apply the analytical skills they learned from the preceding affiliate addressing a historical topic to a similar, present-twenty-four hour period topic.  For example, chapter five examines the evolution of ordinary Americans' material possessions, such as the upgrades from wooden bowls to pewter or china during the early years of the republic and offers insightful interpretations on how these items reverberate on the social changes taking place over time.  At the cease the chapter Past and Present invites students to apply the same blazon of analysis on the social changes accompanying the development of modern-day material possessions such as the replacement of vinyl LPs by CDs and then MP3 files; or written letters falling by the wayside in favor of faxes, emails, or text messages.

In the introduction, the authors express alarm at the "growing disinterest in or even animosity towards the study of the past," and it is true that teachers of loftier school and lower-sectionalization college history courses face up an increasingly skeptical audition in the classroom.  Few amid their charges plan to pursue life equally a professional historian, and if it were not for the compulsory nature of high school history classes and the 1000.Eastward. requirements of ii-year higher students, many would not be sitting in the history classroom at all.  It is very difficult to teach someone who either does not want to exist there, or is  there only to trudge through lower-division requirements before they can continue to study what they are actually interested in, or who more often than not finds the cloth uninteresting and irrelevant to their lives.  This latter situation tin exist a particular bane to world history courses, where the educatee finds the bailiwick affair not only long-ago but far away.  Many students just strive to hold on to plenty rote memorization in order to go through exams before they can conveniently forget all the boring facts and dates they have had to study.

And then why practise high school and lower-partition college students discover history classes boring?  In my feel, the main reason is that traditional educational activity is inherently disengaging.  Because about students volition not go on to accept multiple history courses it is mutual practice to try to teach them as much as possible about history in the one or ii courses students must take to meet graduation requirements.  This results in broad, superficial survey courses—a collection of names, places, and dates—for the large role without the historical context needed to make students encounter history as what it ought to be: a great story. Without a deeper agreement of historical actors, the environment in which they lived, and the pressures brought to bear that resulted in alter over time, students are not engaged with the characters.  History teachers eventually hear comments such equally, "Why practise I need to learn this," and "Who cares?"  The scope of history courses must be narrowed and deepened in order to engage students, and, according to the authors, students must do the historical excavation for themselves in order to find the study of the by interesting and rewarding.  For this reason, After the Fact teaches history students the analytical tools of the trade so they can apply them to their ain original inquiry.

According to the authors, students also find history classes boring because textbooks present history as a "washed deal" and are typically devoid of any controversy.  Indeed, information technology is common for textbooks to requite the impression that all the data has already been sorted and figured out, the "truth" has been ascertained, there is universal consensus, and that all the student needs do is memorize the information as given.  It is ordinarily not until upper-partitioning college levels or graduate history courses that the student is asked to contribute to his or her ain learning by delving deeper into a subject, reading critically, analyzing the reasons behind the selection of the historical prove presented, and considering other perspectives—permit alone adopting and defending a position on the subject.  Yet at that place is no compelling reason to wait for students to attain these levels of study before making the written report of history interesting.

Dr. Melodie Andrews of Minnesota State University, Mankato, successfully taught an integrated history form consisting of all four levels of college undergraduates, along with graduate students, during the bound 2011 semester using the new edition of After the Fact as a primary component of the form.  With each chapter and case written report, in tandem with Davidson and Lytle, Dr. Andrews explained to students the possible difficulties with bear witness that a historian may encounter while endeavoring to reconstruct the history of a particular situation.  This included discussions nigh opposing viewpoints in both master and secondary sources, motives, biases, and multiple interpretations of the facts.

Rather than pedagogy students historical facts such equally names, places, and dates, Dr. Andrews taught students about a variety of historical controversies, all the while never declaring whatever one perspective to be the "right" one.  Students were required to come to their ain conclusions based on the evidence and to participate in educatee-led, teacher-chastened class discussions.   The chief course requirement was a research paper on a controversial historical person or bailiwick of their choice, and also to deliver a grade presentation on their enquiry.  The liberty to choose their own topics permitted lower-division students to simply use a case study from After the Fact every bit a jumping off point if they desired, or, for the graduate pupil, to utilise the many tools introduced by Davidson and Lytle on their controversial topic of option.  (Longer paper length, an annotated bibliography, and greater depth of analysis were required for graduate students.)  No two students were permitted to write on an identical topic view point, thereby avoiding redundancy in grade presentations and contest for library resources, and a inquiry topic sign-upwardly sail operating on a starting time-come outset-serve footing was utilized.  For presentations, a document cam (a.thousand.a. overhead projector) was used in lieu of PowerPoint or other presentations methods to avoid the seemingly inevitable AV or reckoner difficulties.

Course discussions and presentations were interesting and lively since information technology was not uncommon to have students defending opposing positions on a detail topic.  Dr. Andrews, like Davidson and Lytle, never declared anyone to have discovered the "truth" on an upshot, passing judgment only on the soundness of argumentation and inquiry, and on the force of sources used for support.  Students plant the inquiry interesting since they were free to choose topics that were of interest to them or that were relevant to their ain lives or family history.

In improver to making the report of the past interesting to loftier school and lower division college students past introducing the mapping and analysis of contentious issues, Later the Fact'south apprentice-style approach makes it a superior resource for upper-level historical methods courses.  And although the chapters move chronologically through American history, the authors teach readers a variety of impartial analytical approaches and accost the universal challenges involved in  using films, memoirs, and oral interviews as historical sources.  Thus the material is applicative to other genres of history.  This is besides true of the chapters using the study of textile possessions, ecological data, and psychohistory equally interpretive tools.

With the 2010 edition of Later on the Fact and its accompanying supplemental resources, Davidson and Lytle have created an updated, interactive, and highly versatile tool for the study of history that, fortunately or unfortunately, makes the typical high school or lower-sectionalisation college history textbook await fifty-fifty more boring than it previously did.

Reviewed by Yvette Adele-Spratt, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Edited by Dhara Anjaria

(c) The Center Ground Journal, Number 4, Spring, 2012. http://TheMiddleGroundJournal.org See Submission Guidelines page for the journal's non-for-profit educational open-access policy. [Originally published on the St. Scholastica website]


Source: https://middlegroundjournal.com/2012/04/30/review-of-after-the-fact-the-art-of-historical-detection-6th-edition-by-james-west-davidson-and-mark-hamilton-lytle-mcgraw-hill/

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